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  • New resource for identifying customized, tailored approaches to development challenges

New resource for identifying customized, tailored approaches to development challenges

Next round of FCAS training takes place this October

Dear colleagues,

Outreach and sharing of knowledge has always been a priority for the FCAS and SIDS team, and activities since our last bulletin have focused on refining that knowledge and bringing it to new audiences both inside and outside of ADB.

The team is ready to share a resource that we have been working on for some time. Tailored approaches—defined as customized and targeted solutions or suites of solutions to unique or specific development needs and challenges—are the foundation of the FCAS and SIDS Approach (FSA). Tailored approaches acknowledge that one solution does not fit all development challenges, particularly in our most vulnerable countries, where resources and capacity are stretched to their limits. In those conditions, flexibility and creativity must be applied alongside a deep understanding of the issues and context.

The team has been building a resource bank called Tailored Approaches in Action, which is full of examples drawn from current and completed ADB projects. Although these cannot be used as templates, they show what is possible and can assist in broadening our thinking as well as pointing interested staff toward the teams that have made these approaches work.

This resource was previewed during an in-country briefing for the FSA that took place in Tajikistan in September. The team received a warm welcome from both TJRM and AFRM, counterparts from key government agencies in Tajikistan, and our development partners from the UN. The mission team was pleased and heartened that everyone we spoke with had a base understanding of fragility issues from their own work, yet were eager to learn more about ADB's efforts. The briefing provided RM staff with in-depth information on the FSA, changes to business procedures, and further guidance on ADB’s expanding knowledge and resource base for operations in FCAS and SIDS. While Tajikistan is not an FCAS country, it faces increasing fragility in a number of areas and stands to benefit from tailored approaches. These in-country briefings are continuing and we hope to reach many more staff and counterparts in the months to come.

Other recent activities that have drawn a broad audience include:

  • Alongside Digital Technology, we hosted a digital knowledge exchange with the World Bank, which presented an open-source solution it is using in fragile contexts for project monitoring and supervision. The FCAS and SIDS team presented our own work and pilot projects utilizing earth observation technologies. ADB and the World Bank are looking to do more together in this sphere. View additional details here.

  • The Afghanistan-focused webinar series continued as we hosted UNDP to present an energy sector assessment looking at challenges and opportunities in the sector since August 2021. Watch the recording here.

  • The Peer Learning Network continues to draw in an audience from across ADB departments and sectors. The most recent event covered project design in challenging environments. The next event will take place later in October.

The team is currently preparing for the next round of the Introduction to Differentiated Approaches in FCAS and SIDS training, which will be held from Oct 24 to 26 at ADB HQ. Inspired by reactions from our in-country briefings, we are testing out an all in-person format for this training, which we are crafting to be even more dynamic and participatory. While we are close to capping participants, reach out to the organizing team if you would like to join the training.

The FCAS and SIDS Bulletin is a bimonthly bulletin of recent activities and news. For any comments or questions, please contact the editorial team directly.


Samuel Tumiwa, Director, Fragility and Engagement

Knowledge Resources

Tailored Approaches in Action

The Tailored Approaches in Action showcases examples of where ADB staff tailored a project’s design to meet the unique needs of the FCAS and/or SIDS context. The database aims to inspire creativity and foster collaborative discussions about adapting and tailoring approaches to build resilience through ADB-financed projects. These are not templates, yet they show what is possible and can assist in broadening our thinking as well as pointing interested staff toward the teams that have worked on these approaches.  

The resource is filterable by domain (e.g., alternative financing arrangements, capacity strengthening, digital technology) and by issue (e.g., capacity gaps, displaced persons, food insecurity, gender).

An example entry is below

Short summary of the tailored approach

Full details on the tailored approach

Recent Activities

In-country briefings continue in Tajikistan for TJRM and AFRM and counterparts

While Tajikistan is not an FCAS country, it is facing numerous fragility challenges. The team found a receptive audience of government counterparts and development stakeholders from UN agencies, presenting to them on ADB’s commitment to using adaptive, tailored approaches to respond to country-specific challenges.

The team met with TJRM and AFRM staff and discussed initiatives to address increased fragility and introduce digital technology solutions such as the use of earth observation satellites to provide real-time data monitoring in fragile situations. The RM teams were particularly receptive to earth observation technology presentations as they are keenly aware of the challenges of monitoring projects in remote and/or mountainous areas that are difficult to access.

Peer learning network hosts talk on designing projects for conflict-affected situations

At the Peer Learning Network lunch this past August, MYRM Principal Country Specialist Joel Mangahas shared his experiences in preparing ADB assistance in challenging operating environments. He underscored the critical importance of applying ADB’s policies and processes to meet the basic needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable people in conflict-affected situations.

Joel emphasized how tailoring approaches and staying flexible helps ensure that his team can achieve the desired results. The FCAS and SIDS Peer Learning Network organized the event, which was attended by nearly 40 participants from across ADB.

The Network also introduced participants to the online resource Tailored Approaches in Action.  

FCAS and DT Teams Co-Host Digital Technology Exchange with World Bank

Examples of using digital technology in FCAS environments were shared between the World Bank and ADB, jointly hosted by ADB’s FCAS and SIDS and Digital Technology teams.

Roman Skorzus presented the World Bank’s Geo-Enabling initiative for Monitoring and Supervision (GEMS) and the Kobo Toolbox, an open-source tool for data collection and analysis, which also includes geo-mapping. He demonstrated how GEMS uses Kobo Toolbox to map and monitor projects in countries such as Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Bangladesh, emphasizing the tool’s ease of use and the dashboards that turn its data into usable insights.

Webinar on Afghanistan Energy Sector Assessment Post-August 2021

The objective of the assessment was to evaluate Afghanistan’s energy sector post-August 2021 and design an energy program framework with the potential to contribute to the possible next phase of support for Afghanistan from ADB and other partners. The assessment provides strategic areas of support in addition to evaluating the status of ADB projects on the ground, which have been on hold since August 2021.

The findings of the assessment serve as a foundation for proposing a framework for future energy programs. It also identifies specific areas of intervention that will assist partners in planning their energy portfolio in Afghanistan.

Other Resources

We’re featured on ADB LinkedIn

ADB Library Updates FCAS and SIDS Resource List

ADB Library has prepared a list of publications relevant to issues arising in FCAS and SIDS. It includes articles, working papers, briefs, reports, and books, touching on topics such as climate vulnerability, displaced populations, economic migration, fragile states, governance, risk and resilience, and more. The publications are available online or in hard copy in the governance and social development area of the ADB Library.